Ed Sheeran其他曲谱


Ed Sheeran《Afterglow》原版_和弦谱_G调_中等_吉他和弦谱
原唱:Ed Sheeran
购买量: 1353
《Afterglow》是英国歌手Ed Sheeran的一首单曲,收录于他的第四张录音室专辑。这首歌于2020年12月21日发行,属于流行音乐流派。《Afterglow》的歌词表达了对爱情的热情和渴望,以及对过去关系的回忆和思念。歌曲背后的寓意是在失去爱人后,仍然保持希望和光明,寻找内心的平静和安宁。歌曲通过温暖的旋律和动人的歌词,传达了一种积极向上的情感,鼓励人们在困难时期保持乐观和坚强。歌曲的歌词特点是简洁而直接,表达了情感的真实和纯粹。Ed Sheeran的独特嗓音和流畅的演唱方式使歌曲更加动人。整首歌曲充满了温暖和希望的氛围,让人们感受到爱的力量和美好。《Afterglow》是一首充满感情和温暖的歌曲,展现了Ed Sheeran作为歌手和词曲创作人的才华。这首歌将触动人们内心深处的情感,带给人们力量和勇气,成为了他音乐作品中的一颗璀璨之星。
歌手: Ed Sheeran
更新日期: 2023-07-05
Stop the clocks it’s amazing
You should see the way the light dances off your hair
A million colours of hazel, golden and red
Saturday morning is fading
The sun's reflected by the coffee in your hand
My eyes are caught in your gaze all over again
We were love drunk waiting on a miracle
Tryna find ourselves in the winter snow
So alone in love like the world had disappeared
Oh I won’t be silent and I won’t let go
I will hold on tighter ‘til the afterglow
And we’ll burn so bright ‘til the darkness softly clears
Oh I will hold on to the afterglow
Oh I will hold on to the afterglow
The weather outside’s changing
The leaves are buried under six inches of white
The radio is playing, Iron & Wine
This is a new dimension
This is a level where we’re losing track of time
I’m holding nothing against it, except you and I
We were love drunk waiting on a miracle
Tryna find ourselves in the winter snow
So alone in love like the world had disappeared
Oh I won’t be silent and I won’t let go
I will hold on tighter ‘til the afterglow
And we’ll burn so bright ‘til the darkness softly clears
Oh I will hold on to the afterglow
Oh I will hold on to the afterglow
Oh I will hold on to the afterglow