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Queen《We Will Rock You》原版_和弦谱_G调_中等_吉他和弦谱






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《We Will Rock You》曲谱简介

《We Will Rock You》是英国摇滚乐队Queen的一首经典歌曲,收录于他们的第六张录音室专辑《News of the World》中,于1977年10月发行。这首歌曲属于摇滚流派,以其简洁而强烈的节奏和震撼人心的演唱方式而闻名。《We Will Rock You》背后寓意着团结和力量。歌曲以鼓点和手拍声为基础,配以吉他和主唱弗雷迪·默丘里的嗓音,呈现出一种强烈的集体意识和团队精神。歌曲鼓励人们团结一致,共同面对挑战,战胜困难,展现出Queen乐队一贯的积极向上的态度。歌词特点方面,《We Will Rock You》采用了简单而直接的表达方式。歌曲的歌词非常简短,重复使用了几个短语,如"We will, we will rock you"和"We are the champions"。这种简洁的歌词使歌曲更容易被听众接受和参与,成为了Queen乐队演唱会上的经典互动环节。《We Will Rock You》是Queen乐队最具代表性的作品之一,也是他们最受欢迎的歌曲之一。这首歌曲的简单而强烈的节奏和富有感染力的歌词,使其成为了摇滚乐史上的经典之作,至今仍然广受欢迎。

We Will Rock You歌词

歌手: Queen

更新日期: 2023-07-05

Buddy you're a boy make a big noise

Playing in the street gonna be a big man some day

You got mud on your face

You big disgrace

Kicking your can all over the place


We will, we will, rock you

We will, we will, rock you

Buddy you're a young man, hard man

Shouting in the street gonna take on the world some day

You got blood on your face

You big disgrace

Waving your banner all over the place

We will, we will, rock you

Sing it out!

We will, we will, rock you

Buddy you're an old man, poor man

Pleading with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day

You got mud on your face

Big disgrace

Somebody better put you back into your place

We will, we will, rock you

Sing it!

We will, we will, rock you


We will, we will, rock you

We will, we will, rock you
