Walk Off the Earth、D Smoke其他曲谱


Walk Off the Earth、D Smoke《Bet On Me》原版_和弦谱_C调_中等_吉他和弦谱
原唱:Walk Off the Earth、D Smoke
购买量: 1338
《Bet On Me》曲谱简介
《Bet On Me》是加拿大乐队Walk Off the Earth与美国说唱歌手D Smoke合作的一首歌曲。该歌曲收录在Walk Off the Earth的专辑《Here We Go!》中,于2021年5月21日发行。《Bet On Me》的创作历程始于Walk Off the Earth与D Smoke的合作想法。两位艺人在创作过程中共同探索了不同的音乐元素,将Walk Off the Earth的流行乐与D Smoke的说唱风格相结合。他们通过合作创作出了这首充满活力和动感的歌曲。这首歌的词曲风格融合了流行乐、说唱和节奏蓝调的元素。歌曲以强烈的节奏和动感的编曲为特点,展现了Walk Off the Earth和D Smoke的音乐实力和创新精神。歌曲中的歌词表达了对自己的自信和决心,鼓励人们勇敢追求自己的梦想。《Bet On Me》的发行进一步展示了Walk Off the Earth和D Smoke在音乐上的多样性和实力。这首歌曲的独特风格和动感旋律将吸引广大听众,并为他们带来全新的音乐体验。
Bet On Me歌词
歌手: Walk Off the Earth、D Smoke
更新日期: 2023-07-05
Hey,check this out
You should bet on me
Like I'm Apple in the 90's
You should bet on me
Gonna wanna get behind me like I'm 23
Before Mikey was on Nike's
You should bet-bet-bet-bet on me
Run like a stallion
Chase your legacy
Be-be-be-bet on me
Keep it a thousand
Self-made with no pedigree
Baby bet on me
Let 'em see you smiling on the front pages
Mama I made it look at look at me
All eyes on me
Smiling 'cause it's contagious
Do it for the haters make 'em lose sleep
Let's go
You should bet on me
Like I'm Apple in the 90s
You should bet on me
Gonna wanna get behind me like I'm 23
Before Mikey was on Nike's
You should bet-bet-bet-bet on me
You should bet on me
Like I'm neon in the 80s
Double down on me
It ain't up to be debated I'm a certainty
You can't get these odds in Vegas
Baby bet-bet-bet-bet on me
Roll the Dizzice lucky Seven
If not I bet I'll roll Eleven
Hold me to my goals I know I told my Bredren
We won't leave this earth until the turf is proud at heart like Kevin
I'm close to god-like reverend oh
I done learned all of my lesson
Betting on me is investment
Bending the rules like Inception
My angels give me that protection
Like Amazon in 2009 you get exponential interest
Like Peloton you can spin around without going nowhere but
You should bet on me
Like I'm Apple in the 90s
You should bet on me
Gonna wanna get behind me like I'm 23
Before Mikey was on Nike's
You should bet-bet-bet-bet on me
You should bet on me
Like I'm neon in the 80s
Double down on me
It ain't up to be debated I'm a certainty
You can't get these odds in Vegas
Baby bet-bet-bet-bet on me
It might not come easy
But who said it would
Who said it would
It won't happen overnight
But you know it could
You know it could
Let' em see ya smilin' on the front pages
Mama I made it look at look at me woo
All eyes on me
Smiling 'cause it's all gravy fifty-two aces under my sleeve
Triple that bring it back
You should bet on me
Like I'm 24 win three rings and then go win two more
Bet on me
I'm the key so you can't close the door
Like I'm 23
Overload to me ain't even pressure
Matter fact when globe is on my back work even better
That's why if you are better
You should bet on me
Like when bitcoin was a penny
Double down on me
If you haven't bid already I'm a certainty
You can't get these odds in Vegas
Baby bet-bet-bet-bet on me
Ha ha ha