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Justin Bieber《Lonely》原版_六线谱_C调_中等_吉他弹唱谱

原唱:Justin Bieber





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《Lonely》是加拿大歌手Justin Bieber的一首单曲,收录于他的第六张录音室专辑《Justice》中。这首歌于2020年10月15日发行,属于流行流派。《Lonely》以真实而深情的方式展现了Justin Bieber在成名早期的孤独和压力。歌曲背后的寓意是探索名人生活的暗面,揭示了成功背后的孤独和心灵的空虚。通过歌词和旋律的共鸣,歌曲传达了对内心痛苦的诉求和渴望被理解的温柔呼唤。歌词特点方面,歌曲以真实而坦诚的方式表达了Justin Bieber在年少成名时的心理困惑和孤独感。歌词中的一些片段如“Everybody knows my past now / Like my house was always made of glass”和“I'm so lo-o-o-onely / Lo-o-o-onely”直击人心,让听众能够感同身受地体验到歌手的内心世界。《Lonely》以其真实而深情的歌词和旋律,打动了众多听众的心灵。这首歌不仅是Justin Bieber个人成长和心路历程的真实写照,也是对于名人生活背后的孤独和压力的深刻反思。通过这首歌,Justin Bieber向世人展示了他的脆弱和真实,同时也希望能够引起人们对于名人心理健康的关注和思考。


歌手: Justin Bieber

更新日期: 2023-07-05

Everybody knows my name now

But something 'bout it still feels strange

Like looking in a mirror

Tryna steady yourself and seeing somebody else

And everything is not the same now

It feels like all our lives have changed

Maybe when I'm older, it'll all calm down

But it's killing me now

What if you had it all but nobody to call?

Maybe then you'd know me

'Cause I've had everything

But no one's listening

And that's just ****ing lonely

I'm so lo-o-o-onely


Everybody knows my past now

Like my house was always made of glass

And maybe that's the price you pay

For the money and fame at an early age

And everybody saw me sick

And it felt like no one gave a shit

They criticized the things I did

As an idiot kid

What if you had it all but nobody to call?

Maybe then you'd know me

'Cause I've had everything

But no one's listening

And that's just ****ing lonely

I'm so lo-o-o-onely


I'm so lo-o-o-onely
