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Cécile Corbel《Take Me Hand》原版_六线谱_C调_中等_吉他指弹谱

原唱:Cécile Corbel





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《Take Me Hand》曲谱简介

《Take Me Hand》是法国歌手Cécile Corbel的一首歌曲,收录于她的专辑《Songbook Vol. 3》中。该专辑于2012年11月5日发行。这首歌的流派可以归类为民谣和古典音乐的结合。《Take Me Hand》传达了一种温暖、安慰和鼓励的寓意。歌曲背后的寓意是在困难和挫折面前,我们可以相互扶持和支持,共同面对生活的挑战。歌曲通过温柔的旋律和歌词表达了对爱和友谊的渴望,以及在困境中寻求帮助和支持的愿望。歌词特点方面,Cécile Corbel的歌声柔美动人,充满情感。歌词中使用了简洁而富有感染力的词句,表达了对亲密关系和情感纽带的渴望。歌曲的旋律优美动人,配以古典乐器的伴奏,营造出一种梦幻般的氛围,让人沉浸其中。《Take Me Hand》是Cécile Corbel的一首优秀作品,通过其独特的音乐风格和深情的歌声,传达了对爱和友谊的渴望,以及在困境中寻求帮助和支持的勇气。这首歌展示了Cécile Corbel作为一位才华横溢的歌手和词曲创作人的才华,深受听众喜爱。

Take Me Hand歌词

歌手: Cécile Corbel

更新日期: 2023-07-05

In my dreams

I feel your light

I feel love is born again


In the moonlight

Rising stars

Remember the day

I fell in love with you

Darling won't you break my heart

Take my hand now

Stay close to me

Be my lover

Won't you let me go

Close your eyes now

And you will see

There's a rainbow

For you and me

As I wake up

I see your face

I feel love is born again

Cherry blossom

Flying birds in the sky

Can't you see the sun

That is shining on the fields

Is it shining in your heart

Take my hand now

Stay close to me

Be my lover

Won't you let me go

Close your eyes now

And you will see

There's a rainbow

For you and me

And I dream of you every night

Cause's there only you in my mind

Will you be a stranger or a friend in my life

Darling won't you break my heart

Take my hand now

Stay close to me

Be my lover

Won't you let me go

Close your eyes now

And you will see

There's a rainbow

For you and me

Darling take my hand now

Would you stay close to me

Would you be my lover

Would you let me go