FrogMonster《Remember Our Summer》原版_六线谱_C调_中等_吉他指弹谱
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《Remember Our Summer》曲谱简介
《Remember Our Summer》是歌手FrogMonster的一首热门单曲,收录于他的专辑《Memories》中。该歌曲于2021年7月15日发行,属于流行音乐流派。这首歌曲背后寓意着对夏天美好回忆的怀念和珍惜。它通过动听的旋律和温暖的歌词,勾起了人们对夏季的美好回忆,让人们感受到夏天的热情和活力。歌曲中融入了轻快的节奏和欢快的编曲,给人一种轻松愉快的感觉。歌词特点方面,歌曲以简洁明了的方式表达了对夏天的怀念和对美好回忆的珍惜。歌词中运用了大量的形象化语言和比喻,使得歌曲更具诗意和感染力。同时,歌曲的歌词也充满了阳光和正能量,让人们在听歌的同时感受到夏天的温暖和快乐。总的来说,《Remember Our Summer》是一首充满回忆和温情的夏季主题歌曲。它通过动听的旋律和温暖的歌词,让人们回忆起夏天的美好时光,并珍惜这些美好回忆。无论是在夏天还是其他季节,这首歌都能带给人们一份温暖和愉悦。
Remember Our Summer歌词
歌手: FrogMonster
更新日期: 2023-07-05
Lately I wanna stay awake
I don’t want the days to end
I know you’ll fly away
Need to hold you for myself
I feel the time run through my hands
Try to grab it but it fades
Say "goodbye" in all the possible ways
I don’t want you to get lost
Will we ever meet again?
I’ll anesthetize the pain
Please remember our summers
My heart is closed by duel
Will I learn to love again?
Who will walk with me in the rain?
Please remember our summers
Come the sun,
come the rain
and the leaves falling
I will wait even if the seasons change
Anxiety runs through my veins
I’ll escape from all these chains
Say “come back”, in all the possible ways
I don’t want you to get lost
Will we ever meet again?
I’ll anesthetize the pain
Please remember our summers
My heart is closed by duel
Will I learn to love again?
Who will walk with me in the rain?
Please remember our summers