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Hayd是一位来自美国的流行歌手和词曲创作人。她以其独特的音乐风格和深情的歌曲而闻名。"Closure"是Hayd的一首单曲,收录在她的专辑《Emotional Rollercoaster》中。这首歌于2021年5月发布。歌曲以其动人的旋律和诚挚的歌词而受到了广泛的赞誉。创作"Closure"的过程是Hayd通过自己的亲身经历和情感来灵感创作的。这首歌表达了结束一段感情关系后寻求内心平静和解脱的渴望。Hayd通过她独特的嗓音和情感投入的演绎,将这种情感传递给了听众。"Closure"的影响力在于它能够触动人们内心深处的情感,并帮助他们在失去爱情后寻找到内心的平静。这首歌的诚挚和真实性使得听众能够与其中的情感共鸣,并找到自己的安慰和力量。总之,Hayd的歌曲"Closure"是一首充满情感和真实性的流行歌曲。通过她独特的音乐风格和深情的演绎,Hayd成功地将她的情感传递给了听众,并帮助他们在失去爱情后寻找到内心的平静和解脱。


歌手: Hayd

更新日期: 2023-07-05

Did we both fall in love

Before we were ready?

Or did we both give up

Before we were steady?

I don't know, I don't know, all I know

Is that now I'm alone

Were we both too scared?

Or were we well-prepared?

For the future and all

The mistakes that it bears

I don't know, I don't know, all I know

Is that now I'm alone

Yeah, these are questions in my head

Answers I won't get

Thoughts I never said

That I kinda wish I did

I guess sometimes you find the one

But the timing's off

The place is wrong

Maybe we would be closer

If we were a couple years older

I guess sometimes you fall in love

Then one day feels like you wake up

And everything's over

Without any closure

Did we both think that this

Was the best that we found?

Or were we too afraid

To have no one around?

I don't know, I don't know, all I know

Is that now I'm alone

Did we hope on a star

A bit too far?

Was the distance between

Too great for our hearts?

I don't know, I don't know, all I know

Is that now I'm alone

Yeah, these are questions in my head

Answers I won't get

Thoughts I never said

That I kinda wish I did

I guess sometimes you find the one

But the timing's off

The place is wrong

Maybe we would be closer

If we were a couple years older

I guess sometimes you fall in love

Then one day feels like you wake up

And everything's over

Without any closure