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The Perry Band《If I Die Young》原版_和弦谱_C调_简单_吉他和弦谱

原唱:The Perry Band





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《If I Die Young》曲谱简介

《If I Die Young》是由The Perry Band演唱的一首歌曲。这首歌曲收录在他们的专辑《The Band Perry》中,于2010年发行。歌曲的流派为乡村流行音乐。《If I Die Young》以温柔的旋律和动人的歌词而闻名。歌曲讲述了一个年轻女子对于自己过早离世的思考和感受。她表达了对于生命的短暂和珍贵的认识,希望在离世后能够被人们铭记和怀念。歌曲中充满了对于生命的思考和对于爱的渴望,以及对于死亡的接受和平静。《If I Die Young》通过优美的旋律和深情的歌词,打动了众多听众的心灵。这首歌曲不仅在乡村音乐界取得了巨大的成功,也在流行音乐界获得了广泛的认可。它成为了The Perry Band的代表作之一,也是乡村流行音乐中的经典之作。

If I Die Young歌词

歌手: The Perry Band

更新日期: 2023-07-05

If I die young bury me in satin

Lay me down on a bed of roses

Sink me in the river at dawn

Send me away with the words of a love song

oh oh oh oh

Lord make me a rainbow' I'll shine down on my mother

She'll know I'm safe with you

When she stands under my colors

Oh and life ain't always what you think it ought to be' no

Ain't even grey' but she buries her baby

The sharp knife of a short life' well

I’ve had just enough time

If I die young bury me in satin

Lay me down on a bed of roses

Sink me in the river at dawn

Send me away with the words of a love song

The sharp knife of a short life' well

I’ve had just enough time

And I’ll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom

I’m as green as the ring on my little cold finger

I've never known the lovin' of a man

But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand

There's a boy here in town says he'll love me forever

Who would have thought forever could be severed by

The sharp knife of a short life' well

I've had just enough time

So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls

What I never did is done

A penny for my thoughts' oh no I'll sell them for a dollar

They're worth so much more after I’m a goner

And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singing

Funny when you're dead how people start listening

If I die young bury me in satin

Lay me down on a bed of roses

Sink me in the river at dawn

Send me away with the words of a love song

Oh oh

The ballad of a dove

Go with peace and love

Gather up your tears' keep 'em in your pocket

Save them for a time when your really gonna need 'em oh

The sharp knife of a short life' well

I've had just enough time

So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls