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John Denver《Take Me Home Country Road》原版_和弦谱_C调_中等_吉他和弦谱

原唱:John Denver





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《Take Me Home Country Road》曲谱简介

John Denver是美国著名的乡村音乐歌手和词曲创作人,他以其独特的嗓音和深情的歌曲而闻名于世。他的音乐风格融合了乡村、民谣和流行音乐元素,深受广大听众喜爱。"Take Me Home, Country Roads"是John Denver的代表作之一,收录在他的1971年专辑《Poems, Prayers & Promises》中。这首歌由John Denver、Bill Danoff和Taffy Nivert共同创作,发行于1971年。歌曲以其朴实的歌词和动人的旋律而广受欢迎。创作这首歌的灵感来自于Bill Danoff和Taffy Nivert在驾车途中经过西弗吉尼亚州的乡村小路时的感受。他们被这片美丽的乡村景色所打动,于是创作了这首歌曲。John Denver在听到这首歌后深受感动,决定将其收录在自己的专辑中,并加入了自己的创作元素,使其更加完美。"Take Me Home, Country Roads"在发行后迅速走红,并成为John Denver的代表作之一。这首歌以其朴实的歌词和动人的旋律,表达了对家乡的深情和对乡村生活的向往。歌曲中的乡村元素和对大自然的赞美也使其成为了乡村音乐的经典之作。这首歌的影响力不仅仅局限于乡村音乐领域,它也成为了一首跨界的经典之作。许多歌手和乐队都曾翻唱过这首歌,使其在全球范围内广为人知。它的旋律和歌词也成为了许多人心中对家乡的思念和向往的象征。总之,John Denver的"Take Me Home, Country Roads"是一首充满深情和向往的经典之作。它以其朴实的歌词和动人的旋律,打动了无数听众的心灵,并成为了乡村音乐的代表作之一。无论是在乡村音乐领域还是跨界领域,这首歌都展现了其独特的魅力和影响力。

Take Me Home Country Road歌词

歌手: John Denver

更新日期: 2023-07-05

Almost heaven, West Virginia,

Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River.

Life is old there, older than the trees,

Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze.

Country road, take me home

To the place I belong,

West Virginia, mountain momma,

Take me home, country road.

All my mem'ries gather 'round her,

Miner's lady, stranger to blue water.

Dark and dusty, painted on the sky,

Misty taste of moonshine, tear-drop in my eye.

Country road, take me home

To the place I belong,

West Virginia, mountain momma,

Take me home, country road.

I hear her voice, in the morning hours she calls me,

The radio reminds me of my home far away.

And driving down the road I get the feeling

that I should have been home yesterday, yesterday.

Country road, take me home

To the place I belong,

West Virginia, mountain momma,

Take me home, country road.

Country road, take me home

To the place I belong,

West Virginia, mountain momma,

Take me home, country road.

Take me home, country road.

Take me home, country road.