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RedHotChiliPeppers《Scar Tissue》原版_四线谱_C调_中等_尤克里里指弹谱






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《Scar Tissue》曲谱简介

《Scar Tissue》是美国摇滚乐队Red Hot Chili Peppers的一首歌曲,收录于他们的第七张录音室专辑《Californication》中。Red Hot Chili Peppers成立于1983年,是一支以独特的混合风格融合了摇滚、朋克、放克和饶舌音乐的乐队。他们以精湛的演奏技巧和充满能量的现场表演而闻名。《Scar Tissue》的歌词描述了主唱Anthony Kiedis的个人经历和内心感受。歌曲以柔和的吉他旋律和抒情的歌词展现了Kiedis在生活中的伤痛和挣扎。歌词中提到了他对毒品的依赖和战胜毒瘾的艰难过程,以及他对爱情的渴望和失望。通过这首歌,Kiedis表达了他对自己过去的反思和对未来的希望。《Scar Tissue》的主题是关于痛苦、复苏和希望。歌曲以真实的情感和深刻的歌词打动了许多听众,成为Red Hot Chili Peppers最受欢迎和广为人知的歌曲之一。它展示了乐队成员们的音乐才华和创作能力,同时也传达了对生活中困难和挫折的坚持和战胜的信念。《Scar Tissue》是一首充满情感和力量的摇滚经典,深深地触动了人们的心灵。

Scar Tissue歌词

歌手: RedHotChiliPeppers

更新日期: 2023-07-05

Scar tissue that I wish you saw

Sarcastic mister know-it- all

Close your eyes and I'll kiss you

'Cause with the birds I'll share

With the birds, I'll share this lonely view

With the birds, I'll share this lonely view

Ah, push me up against the wall

Young Kentucky girl in a push-up bra

Ah, fallin' all over myself

To lick your heart and taste your health, 'cause

With the birds (Share this lone—), I'll share this lonely view

With the birds (Share this lone—), I'll share this lonely view

With the birds (Share this lone—), I'll share this lonely view

Blood loss in a bathroom stall

A southern girl with a scarlet drawl

I wave good-bye to Ma and Pa

'Cause with the birds I'll share

With the birds (Share this lonely), I'll share this lonely view

With the birds (Share this lonely), I'll share this lonely view

Soft-spoken with a broken jaw

Step outside but not to brawl and

Autumn's sweet, we call it fall

I'll make it to the moon if I have to crawl and

(I will share this lonely)

With the birds, I'll share this lonely view

(I will share this lonely)

With the birds, I'll share this lonely view

(I will share this lonely)

With the birds, I'll share this lonely view

Scar tissue that I wish you saw

Sarcastic mister know-it- all

Close your eyes and I'll kiss you

'Cause with the birds I'll share

(I will share this lonely)

With the birds, I'll share this lonely view

(I will share this lonely)

With the birds, I'll share this lonely view

(I will share this lonely)

With the birds, I'll share this lonely view