Eric Clapton其他曲谱
Eric Clapton《Wonderful Tonight》原版_六线谱_G调_困难_吉他弹唱谱
原唱:Eric Clapton
购买量: 1016
《Wonderful Tonight》曲谱简介
《Wonderful Tonight》是英国著名吉他手兼歌手Eric Clapton的经典之作。这首歌收录在他的第二张个人专辑《Slowhand》中,于1977年发行。创作灵感来源于Clapton与当时的妻子Pattie Boyd参加一场派对时的情景。这首歌以其简洁而优美的词曲风格而闻名,展现了Clapton的才华和他对爱情的真挚表达。歌曲以柔和的吉他弹奏开场,Clapton温柔而深情的嗓音贯穿始终。歌词中描述了一对夫妻在晚上出门参加社交活动的情景,女主角穿着美丽的礼服,而男主角则被她的美丽所倾倒。歌曲以其浪漫的氛围和动人的旋律,将听众带入了一个温馨而甜蜜的场景。《Wonderful Tonight》的成功不仅在于其动人的旋律和感人的歌词,更在于Clapton对音乐的真挚情感的表达。这首歌成为了他的代表作之一,也是他演唱会上的必唱曲目之一。它的影响力远远超出了当时的音乐界,成为了一首经典的爱情歌曲。总的来说,《Wonderful Tonight》是Eric Clapton的一首经典之作,以其简洁而优美的词曲风格和真挚的情感表达,深深打动了无数听众的心。无论是在音乐界还是在爱情世界,这首歌都成为了永恒的经典。
Wonderful Tonight歌词
歌手: Eric Clapton
更新日期: 2023-07-05
It's late in the evening
she's wondering what clothes to wear
she puts on her make up
and brushes her long blond hair
and then she ask me Do I look allright
and I say yes you look wonderful tonight
We go to a party
and everyone turns to see
this beautiful lady
is walking around with me
and then she ask me do you feel allright
and I say yes I feel wonderful tonight
I feel wonderful because I see the love
lighting in your eyes
and the wonder of it all
is that you just don't realize
how much I love you
It's time to go home now
and I've got an aching head
so I give her the car keys
and she helps me to bed
and then I tell her
as I turn off the light
I said my darling you are wonderful tonight
oh my darling you are wonderful tonight