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Eric Clapton《Wonderful Tonight》原版_六线谱_G调_中等_吉他弹唱谱

原唱:Eric Clapton





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《Wonderful Tonight》曲谱简介

《Wonderful Tonight》是英国著名吉他手兼歌手Eric Clapton的经典之作。这首歌收录在他的专辑《Slowhand》中,于1977年发行。歌曲流派为摇滚乐,展现了Clapton独特的吉他演奏风格和嗓音魅力。《Wonderful Tonight》的歌词描述了一位男子陪伴着他的女伴参加社交场合的情景。歌曲背后的寓意是表达对爱人的深深倾慕和赞美。歌词中的男主角赞美女伴在晚会上的美丽和魅力,同时也表达了他对她的无尽爱意和对她的守护之情。这首歌的歌词特点是简洁明了,直接表达了男主角的情感。歌曲的旋律优美动人,吉他的演奏技巧和旋律线条相得益彰,给人一种温暖而浪漫的感觉。Clapton的嗓音充满了情感,将歌词中的爱意传递得淋漓尽致。《Wonderful Tonight》是Eric Clapton的代表作之一,也是他的演唱会必唱曲目。这首歌以其优美的旋律和真挚的情感,深受听众喜爱,并成为了经典摇滚乐的代表之一。无论是在音乐界还是在爱情中,这首歌都展现了Clapton的才华和对爱的真挚追求。

Wonderful Tonight歌词

歌手: Eric Clapton

更新日期: 2023-07-05

It's late in the evening

she's wondering what clothes to wear

she puts on her make up

and brushes her long blond hair

and then she ask me Do I look allright

and I say yes you look wonderful tonight

We go to a party

and everyone turns to see

this beautiful lady

is walking around with me

and then she ask me do you feel allright

and I say yes I feel wonderful tonight

I feel wonderful because I see the love

lighting in your eyes

and the wonder of it all

is that you just don't realize

how much I love you

It's time to go home now

and I've got an aching head

so I give her the car keys

and she helps me to bed

and then I tell her

as I turn off the light

I said my darling you are wonderful tonight

oh my darling you are wonderful tonight