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Justin Bieber《Off My Face》原版_六线谱_C调_中等_吉他弹唱谱

原唱:Justin Bieber





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《Off My Face》曲谱简介

《Off My Face》是加拿大歌手Justin Bieber的一首歌曲,收录于他的第六张录音室专辑《Justice》中。这首歌于2021年3月19日由Def Jam Recordings发行。创作历程方面,Justin Bieber与一支团队合作,包括作曲家和制作人Kid Culture、Jorgen Odegard和Poo Bear。他们共同创作了这首歌的曲调和歌词。据Justin Bieber透露,这首歌是在他与妻子Hailey Baldwin度蜜月期间创作的,灵感来自于他们之间的爱情和亲密关系。《Off My Face》的词曲风格温暖而浪漫,以柔和的旋律和抒情的歌词为特点。歌曲中的吉他和钢琴的旋律与Justin Bieber温柔而富有感情的演唱相得益彰。歌词表达了对爱人的深情告白,以及对爱情的沉浸和迷失的感受。这首歌展现了Justin Bieber成熟的音乐风格和情感表达能力,让人们更加深入地了解他个人生活中的幸福和爱情。总的来说,《Off My Face》是一首充满温情和浪漫的歌曲,展现了Justin Bieber作为歌手和词曲创作者的成熟和进步。它在《Justice》这张专辑中作为其中一首优秀的作品,为听众带来了一段美妙的音乐体验。

Off My Face歌词

歌手: Justin Bieber

更新日期: 2023-07-05

One touch and you got me stoned

Higher than I’ve ever known

You call the shots and I follow

Sun rise but the night still young

No words, but we speak in tongues

If you let me, I might say too much

Your touch blurred my vision

It’s your world, and I’m just in it

Even sober I’m not thinkin’ straight

‘Cause I’m off my face, in love with you

I’m out my head, so into you and I don’t know how you do it

But I’m forever ruined by you, ooh, ooh, ooh

Can’t sleep ’cause I’m way too buzzed

Too late, now you’re in my blood

I don’t hate the way you keep me up

Your touch blurred my vision

It’s your world, and I’m just in it

Even sober I’m not thinkin’ straight

‘Cause I’m off my face, in love with you

I’m out my head, so into you and I don’t know how you do it

But I’m forever ruined by you, ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh

‘Cause I’m off my face, in love with you

I’m out my head, so into you and I don’t know how you do it

But I’m forever ruined by you, ooh, ooh, ooh

By you, ooh, ooh, ooh